June 12, 2019 – Charlotte, North Carolina – OPAF & The First Clinics, serving as the philanthropic arm of the US Orthotic & Prosthetic Community has begun its annual search for individuals who would like to participate within the O & P community through service on the OPAF Board of Directors. Board members serve a one, two or three year term and are required to attend at least one of the two face to face board meetings held in conjunction with the AOPA and Academy national meetings. Additionally, directors are expected to be vitally involved in the ongoing work of OPAF & First Clinics with adaptive recreation and to take an active role with all of our fundraising efforts.
Nominees are needed at this time for at least three seats on the Board of Directors.
We are a self nominating and volunteer board, indicating both your willingness and enthusiasm to serve.
Nominees should have an appropriate background, a history of 501(c)(3) nonprofit committee/volunteer work (preferred, but not required) alongside a familiarity with and dedication to fundraising, and a strong commitment to the primary mission of the Fund: to foster physical fitness, community participation, and peer interaction by providing introductory-level adaptive recreation for individuals with physical and mobility challenges. Life-changing experiences are provided through individual participation and training, education of healthcare professionals, and raising public awareness on a national level.
Nomination materials which include a personal letter of interest and a resume are due to the OPAF office by August 15, 2019. Elections take place the end of Setpember and board terms of service will begin on December 1, 2019.
Please contact OPAF Executive Director, Robin Burton, or any OPAF Board Member with questions or comments about the nomination process and serving on the Board. Please give thoughtful consideration to volunteering to serve as an OPAF director.